The goal of Exploring Secrets is to prepare the Church for the coming war between the body of Christ and fallen angels from the second heaven. As you can read from some of Bruce's writings, they are cutting edge and answer many questions concerning the multifaceted wisdom of God being released into the earth today. Bruce desires to see God's manifested power and victories be made known to the fallen angelic rulers over the earth today and through the Church, bring about a global harvest.
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Interested in studying this?
You should read Pastor Bruce's book series, 'Exploring Secrets of the Heavenly Realms'. In this revelatory and power encounter book series about fallen angels and territorial spirits Bruce Hines describes the solution to dethroning territorial spirits over cities. He reveals the cosmic hierarchy so the kingdom of God can advance through spiritual warfare. How a believer comes out from underneath or gets free from fallen angels. Bruce writes about the coming war between the church and the fallen angles as this age closes. He has provided pictures for visual comprehension concerning territorial spirits.

This book series has pulled back the veil in a great measure by revealing the structure and operations of territorial spirits. You can purchase Pastor Bruce's books from Amazon in paperback and ebook format.